Sunday, September 21, 2008


Quick, what am I forgetting to pack???

I go through this every time I take a trip anywhere. You'd think I was taking off for the jungles of Azerbaijan, or somewhere where they have jungles if they don't have them in Azerbaijan. Is Azerbaijan a real place? Anyway, I'm NOT going to Azerbaijan, I'm going to California, where they are reasonable civilized. But I'm still worried that I will forget something very very important and the entire trip will be a flop. When I was younger, I solved this problem by trying to fit everything I owned into my suitcase, which caused my parents a lot of grief. Well, actually it caused my parents to cause ME a lot of grief. I don't think I was as bad as Coral, my little sister, though. She's the one who opted to bring an ice cream scoop instead of her toothbrush on a trip to my older brother's house. Because you know, regular spoons just won't cut it when you're on vacation and need a brain freeze.

Anyway, I'm trying to pack for me and Abby, which is even more difficult because Regis isn't coming, so I need to fit everything in a suitcase that I can lug around while I'm lugging Abby. And I'm sick, so I have to periodically pause and press my hands against my temples, partly because my hands are always cold so they feel nice on my fevered brow, and partly to keep my head from splitting open and depositing my brain in the suitcase. Although since Abby is also sick and will doubtless be a squirmy twit on the airplane ride, checking my brain might not be such a bad idea.

Now what have I forgotten?


the firths said...

hey guys. good to see things are going well. Regis- it's ok, man. i've been left behind on at least two dad-gets-ditched trips the last six months (including right this very minute). anyway, miss seeing you around. and it's like a year late, but congrats on the little one!!! geez, it's been a while...


Steven said...

I can sympathize, I'm always pacing around the house trying to figure out what I'm forgetting before a trip.

Have fun playing with my babies!

Miriam Herm said...

but if you let your brain be deposited in the suitcase, you won't have to remember whether or not you've brought it. and how relaxing that will be!
can't wait to see you!