Saturday, December 06, 2008


I don't think Regis appreciates blogging as a productive form of housework. I asked him what I should blog about briefly, to make up for the last two hugely long posts, and he said "Beer." And then he suggested that I go empty the dish rack so he could finish doing the dishes.

I feel so unappreciated.


the firths said...

looking forward to the great blog post.

Courtimedes said...

What is the wonder liquor?
What gets you drunker quicker?
What comes in bottles or in cans?

So how do you keep blogging when you can't think of anything to blog about?

Crystal said...

Court, sometimes you don't. :) Notice the large gaps between some of my posts. I take ideas from the news, check other people's blogs, take cute pictures of Abby, or just write nonsense.