Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dumb Joke

Y'know, it's kind of too bad that Al Gore didn't win the presidency that time, because then when the media started plastering pictures of the First Lady's clothes everywhere, we could have called it "Tipperwear!" Ha! Ha! Y'know, like Tupperware? Only Tipperwear? Haha?

Seriously, why do we care what the First Lady is wearing? Or what the First Children dress in? Or that the First Dog likes to bite its own paws? Why are people being paid to write about these things?


Miriam Herm said...

tipperware IS funny. but perhaps it's not too late! what if she deisgned a clothing line called tipperware? then we could ware it (get it? get it?)!

Unknown said...

And as soon as you put it on, you belch.

Crystal said...

I should post dumb jokes more often.

Unknown said...

i don't know why people are paid to write about these things but I do have another dumb joke..."people used to say that we would have a black man as president when pigs flew...wouldn't you know it, 100 days with Obama in office, then bam, swine flu!" he he i warned you about the dumbness:)

Glade said...

Or perhaps when you put it on you are instantly drunk. It has alcohol imbedded in it which is absorbed through the pores.

Crystal said...

Or you feel very benevolent towards waitpersons.