Sunday, May 02, 2010

I KNOW you know. I know. I get the concept.

It snowed on May 1st. Blah blah, I hate spring in the Rocky Mountains, blah blah blah. Consider yourself whined to.


Steven said...

It was hot and sticky here for Olivia's outdoor birthday party on the 1st, but of course it was perfect the day after. If it hadn't been for Olivia's non-stop talking, I would have fallen asleep laying in the shade under the trees in our front yard, with the wind gently blowing and the birds chirping.

Snow, huh? Sounds awesome. I'm really jealous.

Miriam Herm said...

come visit me blah blah blah. we'll have tons of fun blah blah blah. you can stay here for free blah blah blah. t'l get better blah blah blah.

consider yourself invited, encouraged and comforted.

Unknown said...

I'm trying to look on the bright side. If figure if it keeps snowing till June I'll only have to be pregnant for 2 months of hot summer:)