Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Who Needs Sleep?

Bucket discovered her hair the other day. She found out how fun it is to play with, and grab a fistful, and . . . that was where the fun ended. Silly goose. She's been so much more alert these past few days, and she actually looks us in the eyes sometimes. I've had fun laying her on the quilts her grandma and great-grandma made for her, and watching her look around and try to lift up her little head. She's surprisingly strong--babies aren't as fragile as I used to think they were.

She was quite the little twit last night, which was all the more painful because I'd just been bragging about what a good sleeper she was. Luckily, my earlier predictions were correct: Napoleon sleeps through everything, unless I joggle him awake and beg him to try and calm her down for a while. That's usually not very effective, because generally Bucket wants to nurse again and her dad is just not equipped for that. Oh well. Who needs sleep?


Miriam Herm said...

Ryan never woke up with Ava either! Sometimes I would have to be extra loud in my whispering for him to go get her, then I would curl up in to a bawl, place my feet against his back and push until he was getting out of bed on his own. How do they do that??? How do they not hear every little movement?
Ps I'd love more pictures of Abby. . .hint, hint!

Darth Glader said...

Babies are surprisingly difficult to kill - I am always amazed at what they can survive.