Sunday, March 26, 2006


My parents and my little sister came up from California this week and brought us a whole box of oranges! YUM. They're smaller than the ones we usually get, but very delicious. We average about 4 a day. If there's a way to overdose on vitamin C, this is it. My big sister is up here too, sleeping on our couch for the next week. I love my sister, and her fiance is great, but I HATE hanging around engaged people! Just the other day, I was sitting in the computer lab trying to do homework, and this disgusting couple sat in front of me and started searching for dish patterns online, by which I mean they were rubbing each other's legs and making out and whispering in each others' ears. Ewwwww. I could scarcely type because I was struggling to hold back bile. Don't get me wrong: I whole-heartedly approve of affection between couples. Just not as a frame for my computer screen. It was gross. So now I have an engaged couple coming to my apartment every night, where they engage in a yucky goodbye smooch before my future brother-in-law heads back home. I'm so glad to be married, and not engaged.

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